I got my mail in ballot today. I love it; civic responsibility for the totally apathetic. Political affiliation: meh. It’s difficult to care about issues when the side that always wins is the side with the most ad saturation. Facts are never represented fairly or honestly and the side that wants to screw people over is always the side that advertises itself as some kind of grass roots citizen action committee. Like this power utility law. I keep seeing commercials for it saying “we just want people to vote before governments go into the power business.” Except they want it to be a vote by 2/3 or ¾ majority, I forget which. You don’t even need 2/3 of the vote to amend the constitution, but they want it before a local government can start up a cogen plant? The truth is private companies want to ban public utilities. But local governments don’t have the money to fight the ad campaign battle, so they will probably lose.
I’ve decided to pick my candidates based on which ones have the least obnoxious commercials. That is about all I trust politicians to do: annoy me as little as possible. I don’t even care about political parties anymore. I’m equally disgusted with both parties. I’m tired of the way that the republicans have co-opted the Christian church based mostly on only two issues: abortion and gay marriage. In exchange we have to agree with guns for everyone without restrictions, more and bigger prisons with more and longer sentences, and we have to agree that the ultimate authority on what’s fair and right is the American Corporation. Big business gets to not only control agriculture, the environment, the economy, and energy industries, but they get to control the agencies that are supposed to oversee them as well. That isn’t really a republican only practice. At this point I just don’t think that a system as large as ours with the obscene amounts of money that run through it has a chance at being honest. So I’m going to choose the people most likely not to stress me out.
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