you ever noticed that people say “I read somewhere” when what they really mean
is “at some point I heard someone say something interesting and I am about to
lay claim to it myself without actually having done any of the research or fact
checking.” It’s just an abbreviation, I guess. I say this with as little mockery as I can
because, while I may not have invented this practice, I regularly pirate the
intellectual property of whoever did. It’s
like I can’t stop myself. It’s just so
easy to say that I read something somewhere than to go into an actual
explanation of what I heard on which quasi-educational channel (future blog
topic by the way) or from which person and when. I’ll be honest, if my brain were a computer,
it would be a little shy of ram. By the
time I got through the complete introduction of where it is I got a given
interesting tidbit, I’d forget the tidbit. Plus, who wants to sit through all
that for a five second factoid about earwax or the psychology of honey
bees. It’s just easier to have a social
convention that you can tell a lie if there’s intriguing trivia on the
way. It does make me feel bad for people
who really do spend a lot of time reading so much interesting bits of
informational flotsam that they can’t quite remember which one went where. They utter that infamous phrase and their
audience rolls their eyes as if to say “yeah right pants-o flame-o! just gimme
the brain candy!” and that is what those
trivial facts are. Non-nutritious sweets.
No one was ever so impressed with party-trivia to change their vocation
or goals in life. “You’ll never guess
what some guy at the church social told me about octopus eye-balls and their
ratio to their body mass! I’m not wasting another second of my life on IT, I’m becoming
a marine biologist!” You see what I mean
about losing my train of thought? Where was i?
Dreams! So I said all that to tell you this. Someone told me they “read somewhere” that half
of all people dream in black and white. Then
I realized that I’d never met anyone who dreamt in black and white. Then I read somewhere (roll your eyes all you
want I actually read it) that the study behind that piece of information was
done at a time when we were transitioning from black and white to color TV as a
nation and the ratio was about even. So people
dreamt what they saw. That makes complete
sense as most of my dreams have mouse pointers and consist of montages of guys
getting kicked in the crotch, laughing babies, super cute kittens, and star wars
fan films. My normal dreams also have annoying
banner ads for more pornish versions of those dreams. I avoid those…mostly. Give me a break. Every once in a while my id
crawls out with the impulse control of a 3-year old peaking over the edge of
the desk and grabbing the mouse CLICKCLICKCLICKETY. Those are the days that I wish that my dreams
had filtering software. I’ve been having
another series of dreams involving what I watch lately about rednecks, alligators,
and space jesus. More on that next time.